Our History
The need for Remember My Baby’s service
Our Launch
Back in the summer of 2014, with a shared enthusiasm for photography and a common interest in improving bereavement support for parents facing baby loss, a group of eight like-minded women came together to drive baby remembrance photography forward in the UK, by launching their own charity.
Remember My Baby launched on Monday 18th August of that year.
Professional Photographers
Predominantly professional photographers, and all touched by baby loss, the co-founders were acutely aware of the significance of capturing memories in this digital age for families for whom there would be no first smile, no first steps, no first birthday, no first day at school, and none of the other milestones so often taken for granted.

Becoming a Registered Charity
Establishing Remember My Baby as a registered charity (with the Charity Commission for England and Wales and with the Scottish Charity Regulator) was key.
Registered status was granted within a matter of months, serving as a clear indication of the intent behind the charity.
Our Goal
Remember My Baby’s goal is for all parents facing baby loss to have the choice of remembrance photography available to them as a matter of course.
Support from health professionals in the NHS and from the UK’s photographic industry continues to help us to attain that goal.

Our Network of Volunteers
Remember My Baby has built a network of dedicated volunteers - skilled, and talented photographers and digital retouchers, session coordinators and regional support officers, many of whom have been touched by the loss of a baby; whether their own or that of someone close to them.
Both professionals and skilled non-professionals, from a wide variety of backgrounds give up their time to capture lasting and tangible mementos, by volunteering for Remember My Baby across all four nations of the UK, and that network continues to grow.
Remember My Baby volunteers have met thousands of families and delivered well over 200,000 images. So determined were we on getting started, none of looked this far ahead, and our hope is for future families in need to be able to have the opportunity for these tangible memories to be captured too.