Request A Photographer
If you would like to request the attendance of a photographer for a baby that has already been born, please complete our online request form.
Please be aware that we are phasing out our Freephone number due to the unsustainable costs for our small charity. We appreciate your understanding and support.
Complete our online request form
If you want to talk to us about a future event in advance of the birth, please contact us.
Our Coordinators are available between 8.00am and 8.00pm on weekdays, and between 9.00am and 6.00pm at weekends. Request received outside of these times will be dealt with by the next available Coordinator.
Please be aware that we are a charity, and all of our photographers are volunteers. As such, we cannot guarantee attendance in all cases. We are usually able to provide a photographer for 85% of the requests that we receive.
If we can’t attend, we will be able to provide you with hints and tips for taking the best images, and access to our free digital retouching service to send your images to for refinement.