
Are you an RMB Champion?

Become an RMB Ambassador

We are always on the lookout for Ambassadors to help us champion the work of Remember My Baby within their communities, local health trusts, home countries and even at national level.

Ambassadors could be:

  • previous service beneficiaries
  • family or friends of previous service beneficiaries
  • midwives, NHS staff and medical professionals
  • photographers
  • high profile individuals or celebrities
  • volunteers and trustees, past and present
  • people with corporate links to our work

We are looking for individuals who have experienced our service in a variety of different ways to help us raise the profile of our work so we can;

  • engage with more hospitals to offer our service
  • reach more parents experiencing baby loss
  • make links with more corporate supporters
  • recruit more volunteer photographers
  • connect with more midwives to encourage the use of our service
  • raise funds to support the work we do

So, if you are willing to put back our cause, step up and champion our work we want to hear from you.

Want to apply? Please contact us to find out how.

Email us

Set up your own Local Fundraising Group


Could you:
Use your connection with Remember My Baby to connect with others in your area and form your own Fundraising Group to help raise funds and awareness?

Use your own networks and connections to build relationships with individuals and businesses in your area who may be able to offer support in your fundraising?


Organise charity collections in local supermarkets, shopping centres and at events?

Help place and manage collection cans in local shops? Every penny counts, and small change makes a big difference.


Organise your own events together within your community? This could be anything from a charity lunch to a golf competition, or even a sponsored walk. See our Fundraising A-Z for a whole host of ideas

Cause Awareness

Help us to raise awareness of baby loss and the role that Remember My Baby plays in the bereavement journey of families across the UK experiencing baby loss? Become a Speaker and help us spread the word about our work to local community groups who may in turn donate towards our cause.


Be part of our Remember My Baby community of supporters who are helping to celebrate the lives of babies lost prior to, during or shortly after birth? – A community that holds them all close in our hearts and our memories.

Find out more about setting up your own RMB Fundraising Group

Email us

Tell us your fundraising story

We always love to hear from our supporters to find out how you have raised money for Remember My Baby and why we are a charity close to your heart.

If you are planning to fundraise for us, as well as supporting you in your fundraising we are always keen to showcase our amazing supporters so we can spread the word about your efforts and help encourage others to do the same.
Send us in your photos of your fundraising activities so we can see the faces behind the fundraising, and tell us your story with some short quotes on your experience raising funds for Remember My Baby and what it means to you to be able to make a difference.

Contact us and we’ll do the rest.

Get in touch

Request a Photographer?

If you would like to request the attendance of a photographer for a baby that has been born, complete our online request form here



Support Us

Our baby remembrance photography service is entirely funded through voluntary donations. There are a number of ways you can donate, to find out more, see below.

Make a donation

Support us by making a donation and know that your contribution helps bereaved families across the UK.

Click to Donate


When you fundraise for Remember My Baby, you are supporting our vision of being able to offer a service capturing precious moments for all families experiencing baby loss across the UK.

Click to Donate

Become a regular giver

You can ensure that we have the funds to support families experiencing baby loss now and into the future.

Click to Donate

Leave a lasting legacy

Leaving a gift in your will to the Remember My Baby charity powers tomorrow's service for families experiencing baby loss.

Click to Donate