
Organise your own event

Do you want to host your own event for Remember My Baby?

You can download your fundraising pack with all the resources you'll need to start planning your event. You might have something in particular in mind, great, if not then please see our Fundraising A-Z of ideas for some inspiration!

We have a range of fundraising materials available support you in your event like posters, leaflets, and much more. These are available by sending a request to

The money you raise will help towards funding remembrance photography sessions families experiencing baby loss across the UK, giving the gift of lasting memories.

Without our amazing supporters and volunteers we would not be able to carry out the much-needed work that we do – so thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!

Get in touch

Request a Photographer?

If you would like to request the attendance of a photographer for a baby that has been born, complete our online request form here



Support Us

Our baby remembrance photography service is entirely funded through voluntary donations. There are a number of ways you can donate, to find out more, see below.

Make a donation

Support us by making a donation and know that your contribution helps bereaved families across the UK.

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When you fundraise for Remember My Baby, you are supporting our vision of being able to offer a service capturing precious moments for all families experiencing baby loss across the UK.

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Become a regular giver

You can ensure that we have the funds to support families experiencing baby loss now and into the future.

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Leave a lasting legacy

Leaving a gift in your will to the Remember My Baby charity powers tomorrow's service for families experiencing baby loss.

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