Leave A Legacy
What better gift to leave in your will than the gift of remembrance photography
Remember My Baby has partnered with Squiggle to support us in delivering our legacy fundraising campaign.
What better gift to leave in your will than the gift of remembrance photography to a family experiencing the tragedy of baby loss? Your gift to Remember My Baby will allow us to give the gift of precious memories captured of a much loved baby to a bereaved family.
Squiggle will provide year round basic free wills to all Remember My Baby supporters, volunteers and staff offering you the chance to get your will organised as well as the option of leaving a gift to us as part of your legacy or making a donation to us in leu of the cost of the will writing. The cost of a basic will with Squiggle is £250 and a basic joint will would cost £375 so the chance to create one free of charge is an excellent opportunity not to be missed. There are options available to upgrade your will should you wish at a cost set out by Squiggle and is entirely optional. There is no requirement to make a legacy or a donation to Remember My Baby in order to receive your free will from Squiggle but we would welcome all support from you to allow us to continue our much needed work.
Contact us to find out more about getting your free will