
ReMemBer Us

Youg woman holding a tiny baby in a nappy and white hat to her face for a kiss
In Memory

Raising money in memory of a loved one

Long shot of a couple pushing a traditonal coach built pram in the gardens of a white house
In Celebration

Celebrate a special moment by donating

Request a Photographer?

If you would like to request the attendance of a photographer for a baby that has been born, complete our online request form here



Support Us

Our baby remembrance photography service is entirely funded through voluntary donations. There are a number of ways you can donate, to find out more, see below.

Make a donation

Support us by making a donation and know that your contribution helps bereaved families across the UK.

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When you fundraise for Remember My Baby, you are supporting our vision of being able to offer a service capturing precious moments for all families experiencing baby loss across the UK.

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Become a regular giver

You can ensure that we have the funds to support families experiencing baby loss now and into the future.

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Leave a lasting legacy

Leaving a gift in your will to the Remember My Baby charity powers tomorrow's service for families experiencing baby loss.

Click to Donate