
Photographer Q&As

What equipment do I need to have?

As a volunteer photographer for RMB, you will be required to have the following equipment as a minimum to undertake baby remembrance photography sessions on behalf of Remember My Baby:
DSLR camera/Mirrorless or equivalent.

DSLR camera or mirrorless equivalent allows photographers to adjust settings and control exposure, ensuring optimal image quality in various lighting conditions. Additionally, suitable lenses, such as prime or zoom lenses with wide apertures, enable photographers to capture intimate moments with clarity and sensitivity.

A Speedlight, equivalent flash unit or studio flash head

Some locations lack natural light such as windowless rooms, necessitating in the use of a speedlight, equivalent flash unit, or studio flash head for illumination. Whether used to fill in shadows, soften harsh lighting, or create a gentle glow, these lighting tools contribute to the overall aesthetic and emotional impact of the photographs.

Are all volunteer photographers professionals?

Not at all. Many of our photographers are professionals, but we also have some experienced and talented amateurs on board.
The most important thing is that you know your way around your camera and can shoot in a variety of lighting conditions (some delivery suites and hospital rooms lack good natural light).

How long is a does a session take?

Every session is different, some may take 20 minutes, and some may take an hour. It very much depends on circumstances. You will need to factor in time afterwards for logging, uploading and editing.

Do you provide training?

Yes, we provide a paced, reflective training that involves an informal meeting with our Chief Executive Officer who will give you an overview of the process and for you to ask any questions that you may have before you proceed any further.

You will then receive focused Session Training which is delivered by our Lead Photographer. This session will include everything related to accepting, delivering a session and editing. We also cover dealing with recently bereaved parents, appropriate conversations and safeguarding.

How many sessions will I be expected to do?

There is no formal expectation as this will depend on your availability and the level of calls coming in from your chosen units. We appreciate that you are giving us your time and expertise.
We do, however, ask that you try and complete at least three sessions per year (where they are requested) to ensure that you remain familiar with the process.

Is there a maximum number of sessions I can do?

Yes; we are mindful of the impact that multiple sessions can have on a volunteer’s wellbeing.

We therefore place an upper limit on the number of sessions a photographer can do, with no more than three in one week, and overall, no more than 10 in any month.

How do you look after the welfare of your photographers?

We have Regional Support Officers in place who will check in with our new photographers after their first few sessions. In addition, our Lead Photographer will guide you through the post-session process after you have completed your first solo session.

We have a peer-to-peer support group which is active daily, with photographers chatting, exchanging experiences, and supporting one another.

All volunteer photographers go through a paced, reflective training programme to allow them to understand what they are undertaking, as well as to equip them with the tools to be able to deliver a session confidently. As well as having our Safeguarding policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety of our volunteers, we can also offer access to a counselling service if a photographer feels they need it.

What happens if I am unwell or on holiday?

If you are on holiday, poorly or unavailable due to other commitments, you can mark yourself as unavailable. In these circumstances the coordinators will not contact you if a local call comes in.

How many images am I expected to deliver?

This is also one of those questions like ‘How long is a piece of string’. It would depend on many factors such as, is baby alone, is there extended family, is baby in NICU where you would have more limitations? We would hope that we could provide anywhere between 10 and 70 images for each family, but we urge quality over quantity.

How quickly do I need to process images?

Our delivery window to parents is 4-6 weeks after the session. This allows time for parents to grieve and time for busy photographers to complete the editing process. You will receive a reminder from us after 23 days asking you to upload images ready for despatch as soon as possible after the four-week window.

We often receive enquiries before this point from parents needing images for a funeral order of service. It is our policy to release two or three simple images for this, and you will be contacted if these are required.

What if I’m struggling with editing?

Our highly skilled Digital Retouching Team can assist you with tricky edits or if you’re struggling for time.

Can I claim for my out-of-pocket costs?

Yes, we pay all out-of-pocket expenses and there is a simple online form for this. Mileage is paid at 45p per mile.

You also have the option to donate your expenses costs back to us.

Request a Photographer?

If you would like to request the attendance of a photographer for a baby that has been born, complete our online request form here



Support Us

Our baby remembrance photography service is entirely funded through voluntary donations. There are a number of ways you can donate, to find out more, see below.

Make a donation

Support us by making a donation and know that your contribution helps bereaved families across the UK.

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When you fundraise for Remember My Baby, you are supporting our vision of being able to offer a service capturing precious moments for all families experiencing baby loss across the UK.

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Become a regular giver

You can ensure that we have the funds to support families experiencing baby loss now and into the future.

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Leave a lasting legacy

Leaving a gift in your will to the Remember My Baby charity powers tomorrow's service for families experiencing baby loss.

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